Sunday 20 September 2009

Celery (and goat) soup

Yesterday the weather was a bit like the UK, overcast with sunny intervals, and for the first time since we arrived Jon was thinking of fishing out one of his "ganseys". I spent most of the day experimenting with the silk painting, trying different techniques. We did some shopping in the morning for a few bits and bobs, and for the first time we spotted celery, but unlike in England where you pay for the same price for every pack of celery, over here they weighed it leaves and all. So Jon felt compelled to make celery soup with all the leaf tops. And it was gorgeous, and we had enough for today as well, and tomorrow we'll eat the last of it.

We also tried the bread making again yesterday. Lots more successful this time, and nice to be eating bread that resembles what we are used to. Local bread is very dense but keeps for about a week if you wrap it up.

Today was back to mist that burned off by 09.30 hours, and then glorious sunshine. It's also car boot sale day (on the road between Tabua and Candosa on the EN528). The car boot is every two weeks up to September, and thereafter it takes place on the first Sunday in the month until Spring. It's not a big car boot by UK standards, but the stallholders are either English or Dutch. Some are selling books, mainly novels (English), some are selling bric a brac, homemade delights such as chutney, jams etc, and there is a stall that sells UK foods such as Branston pickle, Heinz baked beans, Cheddar cheese and other branded items that us Brits can't live without. We also managed to get Linda McCartney sausages from him.

When we returned we found two goats in the garden...gulp.

Jon chased them off, but they had had a good nibble at our baby cabbages. Hopefully the cabbages will survive. Chanfana (goat stew) suddenly sounds appealing!

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