What remains of the original Roman road, complete with wheel ruts, is one of the first things you see.
There are mosaic floors in abundance. These are remnants of the houses belonging to aristocratic families, so we felt highly privileged. We can just imagine some pompous Roman giving us the glare for roaming around his abode! Each mosaic was of a different design and though some reconstruction had taken place it was very sympathetically done. We took LOADS of pictures, and this linky will take you to these if you are interested.
Inside the museum one of the rooms was lent to the reconstruction of an inner courtyard that helped us visualise how the originals may have appeared.
The House of Cantaber is the largest dwelling found in the city and is one of the most spacious ever discovered. Bedrooms are designed around the open court. There is also in this dwelling a refined heating system, a private bathing compound, decorated pools and gardens. Wonder if he fiddled his expenses.
It was another very warm day, perfect for a wander about the museum, except for the most bothersome flies! Still, we could gain some satisfaction from imagining Cantaber the Rich in his luxurious abode being hassled by flies, unless he had a slave fanning him.
All in all we must have spent 3 hours exploring and would thoroughly recommend it as a day out to anyone interested in history etc.
The drive to and from Condeixa was beautiful as we travelled from one valley into another. On the way back we witnessed a beautiful sunset and managed to take a couple of photos, one of which is below.
what a lovely way to spend a day. the more i read and see your photos the more i want o join you to see for myself. if only --------!! love mom xx